
4割が目的に適した繊維を選ぶ 〜 機能性繊維 – 肌着・寝具の生地選び

[:ja]肌着・寝具の繊維選びについて、4割が「目的に適した繊維」、3割が「できるだけ天然繊維」を選ぶ。繊維の種類や特徴について、半数が「天然繊維について知っている」、4割強が「機能性繊維について知っている」。男女別で見ると、「天然繊維について知っている」は男性より女性の方が10ポイント高いが、機能性繊維については大きな差は見られなかった。[:en]About textile selection of underwear / bedding, 40% choose “fiber suitable for purpose”, 30% choose “natural fiber as much as possible”. Regarding the types and characteristics of fibers, half know ‘know about natural fibers’, over 40% ‘know about functional fibers’. In terms of gender, females are ten points higher than men “know about natural fibers”, but no significant difference was found for functional fibers.[:]

3人に1人が別室で寝る 〜 カップルの同室就寝・別室就寝

[:ja]50代の29.7%はパートナーがいないという結果に。パートナーのいる人の33.1%が別室就寝。女性の37.9%が別室就寝を希望。30代前半は50%が同室・同ベッド。40代前半は他年代に比べて同室就寝率が高い。60歳以上は4割以上が別室就寝。パートナーとの関係が良好な人は同室就寝率が高い。関係が悪いと答えた人は75.0%が別室就寝。[:en]The result that 29.7% of the 50s have no partner. 33.1% of those with partners go to bed in a separate room. 37.9% of women wish to go to bed in another room. In the early 30’s 50% share the same room and same bed. In the early 40s, bedtime sleep rate in the same room is higher than in other age groups. Over 60 years old sleeps in a separate room over 40%. People with good relationships with partners have a high sleeping rate in the same room. 75.0% of those who said that the relationship is bad go to bed in a separate room.[:]

寝室の満足度に男女差、女性の6割が不満 〜 寝室のインテリア

「光コントロール」に関するものが占め、男性より女性の意識が高い。[:en]Half of the satisfaction level of the bedroom is “dissatisfied”. There is a gender difference, and 60% are dissatisfied with women. By age group, 66.7% is dissatisfied with late thirties. 68.5% of people over 60 are satisfied. In the top three things devised in the bedroom are “curtain (28.5%)”, “lighting / dimming (24.4%)”, “light shielding (21.4%)” related to “light control”. This is also more conscious of women than men.[:]
