9割が期限、6割が原産地を確認 – 食品表示
[:ja]消費期限、賞味期限の認知度は88.1%。92.9%が保存時に消費期限、賞味期限を確認。賞味期限切れの商品については「大丈夫と思えば食べる」との回答が91.0%。「全て捨てる」と回答した人は6.7%。賞味期限と食品ロスについての関心が高く、多数の意見が寄せられた。[:en]The awareness of the difference between expiration date and expiry date is 88.1%. 92.9% confirm the expiration date and expiration date when saving. 91.0% answered that “If you think it’s okay to eat” about goods past the expiration date. 6.7% replied “I threw it all”. Interest in expiration dates and food loss was high, and many opinions were received.[:]