食品表示 – 食【アンケート】






最近は、原産国が一番気になる。見た目が小洒落て、聞いたことのないメーカーのモノは、往々にしてmade in Chinaが多い。最近は、コストの関係か、大手外資系化粧品会社もmade in China製が増えている。
化粧品はMade in Japanでなくてはね、が私の持論。













  • 食品が一定の品質を有していると認められる期限を示す日付(月単位の表示も含む)。
  • 「消費期限」と「賞味期限」の2つがあり、生鮮食品から加工食品まで、食品の特性に応じて、「消費期限」と「賞味期限」いずれかの表示がされる。
  • 期限表示は、開封前の状態で定められた方法により保存した場合の期限として表示される。


  • 品質の劣化が早く、長くは保存がきかない食品に表示される。
  • 開封していない状態で、なおかつ表示されている方法により保存した場合において、食べても安全な期限。
  • 期限を過ぎたら、食べない方がよい


  • 品質の劣化が比較的遅く、ある程度の期間は保存がきく食品に表示される。
  • 開封していない状態で、なおかつ表示されている方法により保存した場合において、おいしく食べられる期限。
  • 期限を過ぎても、すぐ食べられないということではない。







※【Q1】あなたは、食品を「買うとき」、食品表示を確認しますか?どんな項目を確認しますか? (MA)

※【Q2】あなたは、買ってきた商品を「保存するとき」、賞味期限や消費期限を確認しますか? (SA)

※【Q3】あなたは、賞味期限と消費期限の違いを知っていますか? (SA)

※【Q4】あなたは、賞味期限を過ぎた商品をどうしていますか? (SA)

【Q5】賞味期限と食品ロスについて、体験談やご意見があれば、教えて下さい! (FA)









[:en]The law that defines the food labeling rules, “Food Sanitation Law”, “JAS Law”, “Health Promotion Law”, three there, a different purpose in each, has been a thing to the complex and to understand.
In order to make easy-to-understand display rules this for both consumers and businesses, from April 1, 2015, the integration of three of the law “food labeling law” system was launched.

This stipulated, the period in which the display is allowed in the old criteria of fresh food (For general use) is finished. (Until September 30, 2016)

As for the processed food, display of the old standards is allowed up to March 31, 2020 year.

The new food labeling system (booklet) Consumer Agency

I wonder because I have worked in the cosmetics maker, When buy the cosmetics, always, looking at the display on the back. Surface design and packaging is part of the ad, so, to know the contents, to see the display of the back optimal.

Components that do not fit in my skin, country of origin, such part is always to check.
Recently, anxious country of origin is the best. Appearance is a little stylish, those of “never heard maker” is, made in China are often Often. Recently, the cost of any relationship, are increasing “made in China” are also major foreign cosmetics company.
Cosmetics is “Made in Japan” is good, my theory.

And, the food is also sure to check the food labeling.
I asked whether to check the food displayed in the “mother to choose strictly foodstuff”.

Me: Food labeling, to make sure?
Mother: The content is I do not know too much, raw materials are so do not buy for is written a lot.
Me: I see. I also do so.
Mother: Recently, those referred to as “Nate” is frequently see that contains. It is written in most of the things.
Me: Nate? ? (Slowly look at the display of a thing at hand)

Me: Perhaps to, that of this?
Mother: Yes Yes. It.
Me: It is written, this “plastic”. For the separation of garbage.
Mother: Wow. ‘Cause what you can not see.

Sense of the common people want to tell I’m this extent, and to officials.
While referred to as the “easy-to-understand consumer”, written in small characters, such as not read, I wonder if there is a actual benefit.
Even so, cosmetics food also, a small character size, also in human vision is not bad, there is also a thing of about unreadable by the naked eye. Even more so when it is presbyopia. Such as a person to see all the way glasses, will have how much?

Well, food labeling is, people who are allergic, such as women with children, people to check the raw materials and allergens would be many, but I wonder if is buying to see everyone?
Was heard in the men around me, it did not seem to see most.

I am not allergic, but thickening agent or a pressure-sensitive adhesive, do not buy things that so-called additive is in profusely. Compare it various, I want to buy a thing of the minimum of additives, but, Then take a lot of time for shopping. What also will not buy and bring up a fine thing.

After that, it’s calories.
Long time ago, I was astonished at the height of the calories of the melon bread. Since then, melon bread likes, but no longer eaten.

And, best before date and the expiration date.

Basically, food is I think principle do not buy only what you use in the near future without fail, so that the expiration date and the best before date has passed with relatively few, but the seasoning was allowed to stand in the fridge alone with using once, noticed in some cases to be discarded expired. Recently there is also a soy sauce of bottles to prevent oxidation, but previously had been discarded frequently what taste is changed by oxidizing after opening. Disposal there is also a fact that is wasteful, but it also becomes the gas-water pollution when discarding the contents.

I think I want to eliminate the waste to buy as much as possible small capacity, but there is that the price is cheaper than the large capacity in the sale is a small capacity.
Even not help the small capacity is expensive, when the prices are reversed, yeah, probably humanity to buy the cheaper.
Such case, buy a large capacity reluctantly, may change the taste and oxidation, past deadline, disposal. Such food loss, I think that’s really a problem.


Deadline display

  • The date indicating the Deadline the food is allowed to have a constant quality. (Also includes a display of the month)
  • Two of the “expiration date” and “best before date” is there, from fresh food to processed food, according to the characteristics of the food, display the “expiration date”, “best before date” of either is.
  • Deadline display is displayed as a Deadline when stored by the method stipulated in the pre-opening state.

Expiration date

  • Early deterioration of quality, is displayed in the food can not be longer save.
  • In a state that has not been opened, and yet, in the case of preserved by methods that are displayed, to eat even a safe Deadline.
  • After past the Deadline, it is better not to eat

best before date

  • Degradation is relatively slow of quality, is displayed in the food a certain period of time is can be save.
  • In a state that has not been opened, and yet, in the case of preserved by methods that are displayed, delicious eaten Deadline.
  • Even after the Deadline, it does not mean that not be eaten immediately.

Do you, when you buy the food, make sure the food labeling?
How do you products that past the best before date?

By lot from among those who our survey, to 10 people, presents a QUO card (500 yen).

Application method
To answer to the following questionnaire.

Winners announced
The winner will be notified by e-mail. That case, ask the shipping of gift items. To inquire about winning, not be able to answer.

September 29, 2016 (Thu)

Personal Information
We ask personal information, questionnaire in the range that does not identify an individual, and will not be used for other than the dispatch of goods.

Entry Form

※【Q1】”When you buy” food, Do you want to check the food labeling? Do you want to check what items? (MA)

※【Q2】”When you save” foods that have been bought, Do you want to check the best before date and the expiration date? (SA)

※【Q3】Do you know the difference between the best before date and the expiration date? (SA)

※【Q4】How do you products that past the best before date? (SA)

【Q5】About “Expiration date and food loss”. (FA)




【F4】Birth year
year born




【F8】Are you sure you want to send an e-mail from 25CINQ?

