- 35〜39歳/関東/自営業
何かあったときのための生きるすべを身につけておいたほうがいいと思うから。 - 40〜44歳/近畿/会社員
仕事をしなくてもいいが、閉じこもるのではなく、広く色々な人たちと接して、色々な世界(社会)を知って、自分を守る、そして余力があれば互いを助け合えるスキルを身につけておいて欲しいと思うから - 40〜44歳/中国/自営業
私がそうなんですが、病気になり仕事を続けることが困難な状況になったときに、最悪パートナーに子供を託し、私を切り離してでも子供を育ててほしいので、その時に仕事をしていないとこの判断ができない可能性や深刻な状況に陥るかもしれないので。 - 40〜44歳/近畿/会社員
家に閉じこもってしまうと社会の状況に疎くなるので、働くことによって社会の状況や自己啓発ができると思うので。 - 45〜49歳/近畿/会社員
浪費家なんで余裕があっても汗水流して自分で稼いで欲しい! - 50〜59歳/東海/会社員
家の中だけではストレスが溜まる。外で色々な環境にふれることで魅力、考え、生き方の巾が広がる。 - 60歳以上/関東/会社員
何か世間との接点を持って欲しいし、昔のように主婦業だけに専念できるほどの環境ではなくなってきている。(昔のほうが主婦は大変だと思う) - 60歳以上/北陸/自営業
- 40〜44歳/東海/会社員
家庭には家事、子育てなど重要かつ重労働があるので - 40〜44歳/関東/無職
子供がいた場合に限る前提ですが子供が帰って来たときに母親がいたほうがよいと思う。自分がそうだったので。 - 50〜59歳/関東/会社員
男性と女性には、それぞれ役割というものがあり、また、その特性から得意分野・不得意分野が傾向的にある。男性は特定の分野を極めることに向いており、女性はいろいろなことを広くこなす能力に秀でている。妻が働くかどうかは夫婦2人で決めればいいことだが、我が家ではこの役割分担がとてもうまくいっている。妻も満足している。 - 40〜44歳/近畿/会社員
経済的に余裕があるのであれば家庭を支え後方の憂いをなくすのがよいと思います。さいきんの日本ではなかなかないパターンだと思いますけど。 - 60歳以上/関東/会社員
- 40〜44歳/近畿/会社員
同性、異性問わず、味方は多い方が良い。どの様な方でも見習うところはあります、特に人生における先輩方の生きかたも、時には時間を作って聞くことも大事かと。あと自分がこうしたい、ああしたいと言う希望要望は、はっきりと主張しておくと助言、支援が貰えたりします。正直、男性だから女性だからと言う区別は私の中ではありませんが・・・。謙虚であれ、そして実直であれ。ときに不器用であれ。と言うところでしょうか。 - 40〜44歳/近畿/会社員
女性のもっているきめ細かさをアピールし、また大胆な発想により商品を開発してほしい。 - 40〜44歳/東海/会社員
家事を言い訳にしない、人一倍頑張るくらいの気概が無いと周りは認められないし、サポートも得られない。 - 40〜44歳/近畿/会社員
仕事に対して意欲が高い人が少ないと思います。仕事がなくなったら生きていけない、生活に困るというくらいの思いで仕事に取り組まないと成功は遠いと思います - 40〜44歳/中国/会社員
女性自身が自分にブレーキを掛けたり、仕事の範囲を決めている場合も多々あり、それも活躍できないと言われる要因の1つであると思います。女性も変わる必要が大いにあると思います。 - 40〜44歳/関東/自営業
意見は時に文句となり、結果的にうるさいババァになることもある。 - 40〜44歳/関東/無職
女性だからどうというのはない。実力があれば男でも女でも関係ない。女性だからとゆうだけではボロがでる。どこかの政党みたいに・・・ - 45〜49歳/関東/パート・アルバイト
一般的には男女平等と言われているが、私が思うに、職場ではそれぞれの性別に応じた特性をを生かした業務がふさわしいと思う。何でもかんでも平等ではなく、部分的な平等でいいかと思う。 - 45〜49歳/近畿/会社員
女性ということに甘えず自然体でお願いします。 - 50〜59歳/近畿/会社員
両立をがんばりすぎないで!分担できますよ。 - 50〜59歳/中国/会社員
女性に対しては無い。官僚が考えた机上の空論がまかり通る現在の日本の社会では、女性が本当の意味で活躍できる環境を作るのは容易なことではないと思う。 - 50〜59歳/近畿/その他
男は、女性以上に嫉妬の持ち主である。 - 50〜59歳/関東/会社員
「仕事で活躍する」ということではなく、その能力や特性に応じて夫婦で目標を決めればいいと思う。「仕事で活躍する」ということを唯一の(あるいは模範的な)目標のように考えるのは誤りである。「仕事をせずに家事をきちんとやる」というのも立派な選択だと思う。 - 50〜59歳/関東/無職
仕事と家庭の両立は、男が家事の分担にどれだけ理解があるかということである。 - 50〜59歳/東海/会社員
回りから色眼鏡で見られていることを理解したうえで立ち振る舞って欲しい。人としての魅力は良いが女性の魅力で仕事を進めない事! - 60歳以上/関東/会社員
女性に対してよりも男が変わらないとだめだと思う。 - 60歳以上/東北/無職
家庭をある程度犠牲にする場合もあるので、そのバランスをうまくとってほしい。また家庭を逃げ口上にしないでほしい。 - 60歳以上/近畿/無職
但し、仕事中は女性であること・妻、母であることを忘れること。 - 60歳以上/関東/会社員
- 25〜29歳/東海/専業主婦
おうちに一人でいるの暇、世間から取り残された気分 - 30〜34歳/関東/公務員・団体職員
将来のことや親の介護などお金が必要。自分の満足のためもある - 30〜34歳/信越/公務員・団体職員/自分で稼いだお金でないと、好きに使えない(お金に余裕があっても気が引けて)ので。家庭にゆとりがあれば、今みたいに責任ある仕事でなくパートでいいかなとも思います。
- 35〜39歳/近畿/会社員
離婚した時に備えて、少しでも分与する財産を増やしたいから。家事に時間を割きたくないから。その分、外でしっかり稼いで好きなことにお金を使いたいから。 - 35〜39歳/北海道/会社員
第三者からの評価を受けることや社会的に地位を確立することは生きる力にもつながるから。また万が一夫が先に亡くなった時に家族を支えて行くことができるので安心感がある。時間の余裕は無くなると思うが、実際には限られた時間で行動するので行動的になると思う。 - 35〜39歳/近畿/自営業
経済的にではなく、精神的な満足を得たい。でも、現実問題として、経済的に働かざるを得ない。 - 40〜44歳/東海/会社員
これからの日本は、先が見えないから。いつ会社を解雇されるか分からないし、夫が病気で倒れるかも知れない。ならば自分も仕事を続け、キャリアを積んで置いたり、お金を貯めておいた方が安心できるから。私の知り合い(女性)は大企業のエリート社員と結婚し、教師を辞めたのですが、その後ご主人は若くしてがんに冒され、数年の闘病の後、亡くなってしまいました。保険金は下りたとはいえ、一生食べて行かれるほどではなく、彼女は子供を抱え、経済的に不安な生活を送っていると言っています。教師を辞めていなければな、と言っていました。 - 50〜59歳/東海/会社員
- 20〜24歳/近畿/専業主婦
専業主婦の方が子供や主人が早く帰っても家に居ると安心されるからです。 - 30〜34歳/近畿/自営業
経済的に余裕があれば、自分・家族(+友人達)の時間をメインにしたい。 - 35〜39歳/北海道/専業主婦
旦那と休みがあわなくなるし、経済的に余裕があれば習い事などに余暇をあてたい - 40〜44歳/関東/専業主婦
自分の親が共働きだったので、その時の寂しさを子供には感じて欲しくないです。 - 40〜44歳/北海道/パート・アルバイト
[:en]June 2016
Was carried on May 25 – June 6, “female employees to society”, was to give an answer of men and women 182 people.
Men, the whole of the 70% who answered “I want to have a job to partner.”
87.5% in the early 30s. 60% more than in the 60’s.
In contrast, women of the early 30s, the Answers more than half of that, “I do not want to work.”
Also, than married women, the percentage of people that those of unmarried women answered, “I do not want to work,” there were many.
Certainly even in me around, without a job on their own, there are unmarried women who are making a living by the parent of the assets.
Would not be all of the women who say, “I do not want to work.”
Early 30s, such as marriage, childbirth, is also the time when women’s life events overlap, awareness of work, seems to be divergence between men and women.
Men hope and want to work in partners, women do not want to work, if possible.
This, the marriage of the same generation is going to be a mismatch.
While my mother take care of the grandchildren, he said, “to grow one of the children, need parents, grandparents and four adults.” I think certainly, in a place away from home, childbirth and child-rearing is that it is hard.
But still, I think that work, marriage, childbirth, child-rearing, want to be challenge become greedy that you can as a woman. The more such people, I think I come also changed the world?
Period: May 25 – June 6, 2016
Respondents: 182 people
Men: 93 people
Women: 87 people
Others: 2 people
Want have a job
[ Reason, Want have a job ]
- 35 to 39 years / Kanto / self-employed
I think that is better to keep wearing a live way for when there was something. - 40 to 44 years / Kinki / company employee
But it may be without a job, rather than to shut yourself, in contact with the wide variety of people, know the variety of the world (society), protect yourself. And if there is available capacity, I want to keep wearing the skills to help each other each other. - 40 to 44 years / Chugoku / Self Employed
Is that of me. When it becomes difficult to continue the work to get sick situation, entrusting the children to a partner, Want raise a child, even disconnect me. At that time, because it may fall into the possibilities and serious situation that can not be this decision and not to work. - 40 to 44 years / Kinki / company employee
When would holed in home, can not understand the situation of the society. By working, the situation understanding of society, so I think can be self-development. - 45 to 49 years / Kinki / company employee
Since it is spenders, want to earn on your own hard even if surplus. - 50-59 years / Tokai / company employee
Stress is accumulated only at home.
By touching the various environment outside, attractive, thinking, the width of the way of life is Expanding. - 60 years of age or older / Kanto / company employee
Want have something of the point of contact with the public, like the old days, it has become rather than the environment can concentrate only on a full-time housewife. (Better old housewife would have been hard) - 60 years of age or older / Hokuriku / self-employed
For live freely as a person, it is necessary to contribute to the society have a job.
[ Reason, do not want to have a job ]
- 40 to 44 years / Tokai / company employee
In the home, there is an important and hard work, such as housework and child-rearing - 40 to 44 years / Kanto / Unemployed
It assumes that you have a child, I think it is better was mothers Offer when the children came back.
myself was so. - 50-59 years / Kanto / company employee
The men and women, there is a thing called role respectively, also, niche-weak field from its properties tend manner. Man is oriented to master a specific field, women have excelled in ability to do broadly the various things. Whether wife works in be determined by the husband and wife, this division of roles is going very well at home. My wife is also satisfied. - 40 to 44 years / Kinki / company employee
If there is an economic surplus, support the family, good to eliminate the sorrow of backward. In the recent Japan, I think that it is a rare pattern. - 60 years of age or older / Kanto / company employee
I want you to concentrate on household and child-rearing. However, for the hobby of culture and health maintenance, participation in the gym, etc. is OK.
[ Advice from male to female ]
- 40 to 44 years / Kinki / company employee
Ally, regardless of the gender it is often better. What kind of person also be learn from. Especially live details on how the senior side in life, important also to hear to make the time. If you insist on their own wishes and needs clearly, you get the advice and support. Distinction of gender is not in me. It is humility, and it is honest. It is clumsy when. - 40 to 44 years / Kinki / company employee
Appeal to female-specific granularity, we want you to develop products with daring idea. - 40 to 44 years / Tokai / company employee
Do not do housework as an excuse. If there is no unusual work hard much mettle, around to not be recognized, it can not be obtained support. - 40 to 44 years / Kinki / company employee
“Highly motivated person for the job” is little. Troubled that there is no work in order to live, it is difficult to success have to work in such thought. - 40 to 44 years / Chugoku / company employee
Men and women have realized that there is no related to success at work. The women themselves put a brake on their own, there are many cases to determine the range of work, it is also one of the factors that can not be active. Women also need to change. - 40 to 44 years / Kanto / self-employed
Opinion will sometimes a complaint, after all, there is to be a noisy aunt. - 40 to 44 years / Kanto / Unemployed
What because she was a woman, is not it that. It does not matter Even a man and the woman, if there is ability. Just because a woman is exposed is insufficient ability. Somewhere in the political party like the … - 45 to 49 years / Kanto / Part Time
In general, it is said that gender equality, however, in the workplace, work is appropriate for utilizing the characteristics corresponding to the respective gender. Rather than anything and everything equality, good partial equality. - 45 to 49 years / Kinki / company employee
Do not depend too much on fact that women, need your help by natural stance. - 50-59 years / Kinki / company employee
Do not work too hard to balance! You can assignment.
Want to work
[ Why I do want to work ]
- 25-29 years / Tokai / housewife
We have time for being alone in the house, feeling that was left out from the world - 30 to 34 years / Kanto / civil servants and organizations staff
Need money, such as the future and parent care. Is also for my satisfaction - 30 to 34 years / Shin-Etsu / civil servants and organizations staff
If not the money earned on their own, can not use freely. (Feel intimidated even if afford to money.) If there is a margin in home, part is good, not a responsible job. - 35 to 39 years / Kinki / company employee
Preparation for when divorce, want to increase the property to dispense even a little. Not want to use the time to housework. That extent, want to use the money to turn ons firmly earned outside. - 35 to 39 years / Hokkaido / company employee
Be evaluated from a third party, socially able to establish itself, it leads to power to live. In addition, if when husband died earlier, there is a peace of mind it is possible to support the family. I think that is no margin of time, actually more efficient because the act in a limited time. - 35 to 39 years / Kinki / self-employed
For as a person, as a woman, unabated.
Rather than economically, want to get spiritual satisfaction. But, the reality of the problem, have no choice but to work economically. - 40 to 44 years / Tokai / company employee
From now of Japan, previously invisible. When do not know be fired the company, might husband fall sick. If, myself continue to work, gain experience, peace of mind is better to save money. My acquaintance (and woman) is married to a large company of elite employees, has left the teacher, but then husband is a young age affected with cancer, he died after a battle of several years. Also receive the insurance money, but not as much as can cover a lifetime, it seems to send an economically uneasy life suffer from the children. Do If not quit the teacher had said. - 50-59 years / Tokai / company employee
It is very much helpful to come out to the society, to not aging if there is a stimulus, also obtained learning and knowledge. It is a tense life. Only age as spend at home all day. Always want to have a sense of tension.
[ Why I do not want to work ]
- 20 to 24 years / Kinki / housewife
If the housewife is peace of mind when the children and my husband came home early. - 30 to 34 years / Kinki / self-employed
Almost no one’s time.
If there is an economic margin, want their own and family (+ friends) of the time in the main. - 35 to 39 years / Hokkaido / housewife
It vacation is no longer match the husband, if economically afford, want to rely on spare time, such as in the lessons - 40 to 44 years / Kanto / housewife
Wanna feel the situation of the society directly to work, however, want to spend on child care because the child is small.
Work did my best until now, the next child care unknowns and there is a rewarding.
Seemingly of poor children to changes in growth, want to look at the children who day by day growing up close.
Because My Parents were double-income, do not want to feel the loneliness in children. - 40 to 44 years / Hokkaido / Part Time
If myself in the professional work is needed, want to work to there is also a rewarding, however, if the work that can be anyone, want to use the rest of my life for oneself quit their jobs.